Best Time of Year to Install Snow Guards
Posted by Roof Things on 2/15/2011 to
Product Installation
Q: When is the best time of year to install snow guards?
A: In my opinion, the best time of year to install snow guards is when it's not too hot and not too cold. Fall and Spring are the best times of year for installing Snow Guards because of the weather conditions...
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Glacier, Snow on Roof Sliding Off
Posted by Roof Things on 1/27/2011 to
Metal Roof Articles
Listen to the stress the sliding snow is putting on this roof as it shifts its weight around. Most buildings in Glacier National Park have metal roofs and when temperature rise or it rains the snow starts sliding off the roofs which will sometimes shake the buildings. Employees at Glacier captured such an event in the following video. The grand finale is at the end of the video.
Mini Glacier on Metal Roof
Posted by Roof Things on 1/21/2011 to
Sliding Snow
In this photo taken by Jim Bromley you see a large amount of snow sliding off of a metal roof. In some ways, the snow on the roof is acting like a glacier where slippage is facilitated by water at its freezing/melting point creating a nice lubricated surface between the snow on top and the metal roof beneath.