Our New Masscot
Posted by Roof Things on 1/24/2013 to
Roof Things History
We'd like to introduce everyone to Roofy, our new mASScot! We purchased Roofy in a "Huge Ass Sale" for an orphanage in Africa through Dando Amor.
(2) Comments
Green Roofs Infographic
Posted by Roof Things on 9/25/2012 to
Green roofs are a great way to help the environment out. Here's an infographic with a few quick interesting facts about green roofs.
Now carrying S-5 Roof Clamps
Posted by Roof Things on 2/5/2012 to
S-5 Clamp Articles
We are excited to announce that we are now carrying the S-5! brand of roof clamps for standing seam metal roofs.